
Siren Estates Apothecary (SEA)

Siren Estates Industries, LLC

Raeford, North Carolina, 28376  USA


WAX MELTS ( - Twas the Night Before Christmas (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Christmas in the Pines (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - O' Christmas Tree (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Autumn (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Rosemary Sage (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Chllin' Fireside (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Pumpkin Cupcake (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Pumpkin Cappuccino (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Coastal Breeze (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Rose (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - White Tea (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Cottage Garden (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Harvest Apple (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Harvest Pumpkin (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

WAX MELTS ( - Harvest Pumpkin (6 Drops)


$5.00 (In Stock)

Our wax melts contain NO PARAFFIN and NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS released into the air you breathe


INGREDIENTS: 50% Beeswax and 50% Soy wax infused with fragrance oils free from carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive toxins, organ toxins, and acute toxins. We've chosen this wax mix because beeswax is a natural, nontoxic, wax that neutralizes pollutants while releasing negative ions into the air to help reduce dust, mold, and unpleasant odors.  Our soy wax is a sustainable resource, non-toxic, and doesn't release any carcinogens.


TO USE: Heat slowly in a proper wax melt burner (electric burners are best at heating at the proper, even speed). Do not leave wax melting when you're not around to enjoy them (That's just wasting your scent. Consider an electric outlet timer to shut off after an hour or so - this will enable the scent to release into the room and linger and you won't to turn them off). Also be sure to turn off your burner when there are other overpowering scents such as cleaning or cooking (again this is just wasting your wax). Turn them on afterward and they will go to work for you.  Clean your warmer after each use and be sure to mix up your scents regularly.  If you use the same scent every time your nose will get used to it (It's called olfactory fatigue, look it up!  It's really a thing!)


STORAGE: Keep in a cool, dark place (linen closets or lingerie drawers are a great idea because the wax scents will infuse with the fabrics.) Do not FREEZE this is actually bad for the fragrance oils.

wax-melts wax-melts wax-melts wax-melts
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