
Siren Estates Apothecary (SEA)

Siren Estates Industries, LLC

Raeford, North Carolina, 28376  USA

Learning Things the Hard Way

2021-08-20 20:03


Learning Things the Hard Way

What NOT to do when starting a bath and body business.     Where to begin?  There are so many things I have learned while starting this journey.  Desp





What NOT to do when starting a bath and body business.





Where to begin?  There are so many things I have learned while starting this journey.  Despite having read article after article, and immersing myself in virtually every soap business video, I have still managed to make mistakes.  Many of which I had been warned against in the aforementioned materials.   And why is that?


The number one reason: Impatience.  Once I had the idea in my head that I would start a bath and body business, I was all in. I wanted it up and running as soon as possible.  This is human nature.  But it's worse if you are the type of person who cannot do things halfway.  My creative side is a blessing, but when it takes the drivers seat, hold on tight, we're in for a ride!


I started out with sugar scrubs, lotion bars, and lip balm. But we need labels, we need a name, we need a website, we need ingredients, we need packaging.  And what about the legal aspects, and insurance, and...   Ugh!



Fortunately for me, I didn't know right away that I would be starting a business.  I imagine this happens for most who are getting into the craft.  I stared out making Chrsitmas gifts during a pandemic.  I was intersted in anything which would aid in becoming more self-sufficient.  So creating products from home was just the ticket.  I began looking at recipes online (mistake number 2) which used simple ingredients. 


My first sugar scrubs were made with coconut oil

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